Max Fomitchev-Zamilov, Poetry

Максим Фомичёв-Замилов, поэзия

Often I am afraid
to let happiness in
when it comes too easy.

Often I am afraid
to kiss or be kissed
when I sense
that our feelings are in sync.

Often I am afraid
when there is nothing
to be afraid of.

When this happens
I try to exhale
a little of my fear
with each breath.

Breathe and exhale.
Breathe and exhale.

Breathe in the sunlight
and exhale the darkness.

Breathe in the day
and exhale the night.

Breath and exhale
until the aurora of joy
illuminates you
from within.

It is so easy to be happy!
If we only allowed ourselves
to exhale
our fears.

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