Max Fomitchev-Zamilov, Poetry

Максим Фомичёв-Замилов, поэзия

We keep asking irrelevant questions.
Why do we keep asking the irrelevant questions?
Why can’t we live in the now
without seeking answers to the irrelevant questions?

The world needs no explanation.
Friendship needs no technology.
Feelings require no innovation.
Love is. Love was. Love always will be.

Why do we keep asking the irrelevant questions?
Is our curiosity blind?
Or is it vanity
that drives our conquest
of the irrelevant?

We keep pushing the horizons
and move further and further away
from what’s really important.
What really matters is right here.
What really matters will follow us to the grave
but it is the irrelevant that buries us.

Only when it is much too late
we realize
that what we’ve been chasing our entire life
is irrelevant.

We always had what we needed.

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