My heart is at the end of spider's thread, Dangling like a purple tear drop the shape of a pomegranate seed. I peal myself for…
Category: Poetry
The flip side of grief is chaos. The flip side of grief is pain. But the real flip side of grief is creativity, creativity that…
Mix a tube of paint with coffee, Grind a few colored pencils, Add some sugar, Coat everything with red pepper, Add a few shards of…
Sometimes I need to uncork. Uncork words. Uncork feelings. Uncork visions. Uncork thoughts. Allow the sun to shine in my face. Allow wind to run…
The road to forever is measured in steps. The way to forever is paved with tears. The distance to forever is counted in miles and…
Sometimes notes are sharp. Sometimes chords are flat. Sometimes strings break. Sometimes keys stick. Sometimes bellows tear. Sometime a bow screams for help and coughs…
My life is a path of consumption. I consume air, water, life. I am both life and death, Benefit for some and nemesis for others.…
Freedom is an illusion. Our minds are in chains. Freedom is an illusion. Our choices are preordained. Give me the illusion! Give me the excitement!…
Second by second, minute by minute we lose ourselves to time. Day by day, month by month we lose ourselves to life. Year by year,…
That feeling that clouds your mind, That feelingthat squirms in your heart, That feeling that crawls through your stomach that something is wrong. Something is…