Is sanity too much to expect?
Is clear mind too much to hope for?
There is not enough air to breathe
When I collapse as an empty box,
Folding back onto myself
As a stack of cards.
Worn and beaten.
A hollowed out shell.
A disappointment.
The disappointment smells like air before rain,
Muggy and heavy.
It is impossible to wash away its embrace,
Its sticky tentacles.
The web of a spider.
Solace at the bottom of a glass
Reveals my throbbing reflection.
I am better than that.
I am stronger than that.
I am disappointed
In my disappointment.
I crush it as a sheet of paper
And toss it away.
My life is too short for disappointments
And self pity.
I do not have to be good at everything.
I do not have to be good at all.
As long as I live
I choose happiness.
I choose joy.
My glass is half-full.
Fill it up to the brim, my love!