Max Fomitchev-Zamilov | Poetry and Prose

Максим Фомичёв-Замилов | Поэзия и проза

There is no greater curse
than to be the best at nothing.

There is no greater curse
than to be average.

There is no greater curse
than to be gray.

There is no greater curse
than to be indiscernible.

There is no greater curse
than to be alive and to be mortal.

There is no greater curse
than to love yet realize the finiteness of the moment.

There is no greater curse
than to be a slave to your own impulses and emotions.

There is no greater curse
than to be heard only by your inner voice.

There is no greater curse
than to speak the language that only you can understand.

There is no greater curse
than to be human.

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