Max Fomitchev-Zamilov | Poetry and Prose

Максим Фомичёв-Замилов | Поэзия и проза

The power of will is just will.
Can you power ahead through the rain?
Can you power ahead through the pain?
Can you plough ahead through the snow
And disappointment?

The power of will is just will.
Can you get up after you have fallen?
Can you pick yourself up
After you have stumbled for the millionth time?
Can you find strength to believe in yourself?
Can you find the strength to want it?

The power of will is just will.
There is no glory on giving up.
There is no consolation in defeat.
There is no soothing in “I can’t”.

The power of will is just will.
The will to get up.
The will to keep going.
The will to be unafraid.
The will to risk it all.

The power of will is just will.
You have just as much of it as I do.
The power of will comes from within.
Let it out
And let it guide you
Like wind in the sails of a clipper.

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