Max Fomitchev-Zamilov | Poetry and Prose

Максим Фомичёв-Замилов | Поэзия и проза

I do not have to think,
For I can feel my next move.
Like a tight-rope walker
I move through my day
Balancing fear and greed
With a pole
That pins me
To the Heavens
Like a butterfly.

I am but a specimen
In God’s collection.
A mere curiosity
Behind the collector’s glass.

But all the same,
I do not have to think
About my next move,
For I can feel it.

Is this because my script
Is written by God himself?
But doesn’t the divine All-Mighty
Write all the scripts
That we perform so brilliantly?
To where some claim ownership
Of what the Providence
Intended in the first place?

Don’t be a fool
And slave to your success
In thinking that this was all your plan,
Hard work mixed with some luck.

It wasn’t.
It’s always the divine arbiter
Who whispers in one’s ear
And grants the revelation in a dream,
On paper, or on canvas.

This makes me unconcerned.
I do not have to think
About my next move
For I can feel it.

The word of God
Is always in my heart.
This word is LOVE.
And I obey
And balance in the darkness.
My rope is tight.
My eyes are blindfolded, shut.
I fear not,
I trust the holy guidance
That raised me from the ashes.
I’m Phoenix.
I feel love.

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