Max Fomitchev-Zamilov | Poetry and Prose

Максим Фомичёв-Замилов | Поэзия и проза

I have run into an invisible wall
That separates your world from mine.

Should I break through
And join the madness on the outside?
Or should I retreat
And like an Amish farmer
Mind my own crop?

Retreat into oneself?
You must be mad!

Who calls me mad?
Those who send
Our sons and our daughters
To do their dirty bidding?
Killing in the name of freedom,
And justifying peace with war?

Or those
Who sit around at home?
So righteous! So compliant!
Too scared
To venture outside
And face the non-existent threats?

They call me mad
For I won’t play alone,
Refusing to respect
The rules of the insane.

I see more sense
In an asylum…

I have run into the wall
That separates your world
From mine.

But this time
I was happy.
(To be on the inside)

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