Black on black
is like white on white.
Just like my feelings to that girl
who accidentally dropped the bouquet
in the twilight,
hurrying to the bus stop.
Black on black
is like white on white,
impossible to understand
unless you are an artist.
This color can only be felt,
like a tear-stained handkerchief
next to your cold cheek.
Black on black
is just like white on white.
This is the cry of a child taken from his mother.
This is the last heartbeat of a pigeon dying in the attic.
It is a tingling sensation in my hands in the frost.
It is a flower of ecstasy
and the taste of your kiss.
Black on black
and white on white.
It is so little and so much!
It hurts when I don’t understand your words.
It is this aching inside me
that I feel when I don’t understand myself.
Black on black
is like white on white.
This is the color of my life,
which feels often unwanted.
This is the color of my victories and the color of my defeats.
This is the color of my grief and the color of my joy.
Only you can distinguish between these shades.
Only you and the distant stars,
which I can’t see in the moment,
but I know damn well that they are there, behind the clouds,
staring at me
through the darkest of darks.
Black on black
is just like white on white.
It is you and me, like two cards in the sleeve of a sharper.
The cards that the universe forgot to play
and didn’t put back into the deck.
We are but the two marked cards
laying on a worn out table.
Black on black
and white on white.
This is my mood when I search for the meaning,
but it dissolves as fast as it appears,
like picture in the rearview mirror,
like fog in the distance;
you try to approach but it promptly retreats
wrapping everything in sight,
and in no time you find yourself lost
and completely alone in its boundless grayness.
Black on black
is like white on white.
This color is richer than all the colors in the world!
It’s the color of the haze that covers our eyes,
the haze that will subside just before our death
connecting our last breath
with the darkness
and with the light.